The children were supposed to move back to their house on the 16th of November but, the day before the final painting was about to begin, a pipe attached to the geyser burst and on Monday morning we arrived to face a flood! What a mess! Due to the bungling of the assessor, we are in week 4 since the flood and we’re still trying to dry the walls enough so that we can paint. Oh well, at least the children are enjoying the “camping” at the other homes, it’s going to be a struggle to get them back into their home and into a routine though.
Some of the damages !!!
We have had so many requests for beds in the Hospice lately - in the last week we had 4 new admissions, and 2 children were able to go home to their families. At one stage we had 4 children in hospital but one came home on Thursday. One of the children that is in hospital had to have 6 abscesses in his brain drained – he’s not doing very well. Please pray for healing for all these children.
Please pray for Lyn and the staff too!