Friday, May 8, 2009

New intakes!!!

The 6 month old boy!

The 14 year girl who likes reading!

The 16 month old boy!

2 of our children who are now stable, left to go to another facility (since we are full in terms of our permanent children) and on the same day we received 2 new children. The little boy is about 6 months old and the girl is 14 years old, then yesterday, we received another little boy, who is 16 months old. The 14 year old girl was really shy when she first came and used to spend most of her time in her room sleeping, but now she reads to, and plays with the small children.

Bara visit

Our quarterly Bara visits have started again and, so far, all the children are doing well! Two more of the homes go next week and we hope those visits will also go well too.

1 comment:

Lishe said...

so thankful to read they're all well! i remember the bara visits hihi quite a challenge with a bunch of kids:)