Friday, May 7, 2010

This little girl has been with us for 2 years and was very ill so she couldn’t go to school because of health problems.

This year we tried to register her at the local school where the other Lambano children go, but the Department of Education told us that they would not register her because she is too old for Grade 1 and they said we had to home-school her.

Our teachers, Bronwyn and Winsome having been working very hard to try to get her ready for school but they’re limited in what they can do because they have the other children in their classes to deal with at the same time.

Since we feel that this is the Education Department’s problem – by law every child has to attend school, we contacted the councillor of one of the opposition parties in our area and they are trying to sort out the problem for us.

We are going to come across many more of these kinds of children as HIV takes a toll on their lives, so please pray that the Government will acknowledge the problem and make plans to help these children.


Shelley Martin said...

Sorry to hear that about this girl. It really is the Dept's responsibility, and I hope you are able to make some progress on the issue of HIV sensitivity within the school system soon. Keep pressing on, team! You learn as you go. God will not forsake you and He won't leave you (or them) as orphans! Y'all are doing a great job :) People all over the world support your work and pray for Lambano!

Wish I could hug every one of ya,

Lishe said...

She can't be an exception, since there are so many sick children out there who can't go to school!
We'll pray for a solution from the dept's side!
love you all

Keisha Reid said...

Amen, I love that you guys are fiighting for justice. She should be in school and given an opportunity to learn just like any other child, no matter their age or status. Good job guys!!!Love you and miss you all. Prayerfully Ill see you all next year!!!